Feb 12, 2010


when sOmeOne remains silent, well let say fOr at least half an hOur..we can make a few assumptiOns that he/she might:
~wanna cOncentrate On what he/she is dOing..
~STRICTLY dOn't wanna talk tO sumOne else..
~wanna be alOne..
~dOn't want 2 be disturb
~having a rOugh day..

hOwever, On certain circumstances, he/she whO remains silent might:
~ lOnging 4 sOmeOne 2 pamper him/her..
~wanna talk 2 sumOne called "a friend"..
~ wanna scream,laugh Or dO anything fun fOr that mOment..
~be waiting 4 sumOne 2 cheer him/she up..

sO let us think...
there is nO One whO suddenly remain silent fOr nO reasOn...
which One cOuld it be...??

1 comment:

kruN. said...

to remain calm.. to restrain herself.. jgn meletop!! ngahahaha