Feb 24, 2010

if being lOud...

first Of all i wOuld like 2 say im really sOrry...
fOr what i've dOne Or what i may have dOne...
i dOnt knOw where i went wrOng but that's what i heard..
~i did sumthing that might make Others dislike me, avOid me Or in Other wOrd HATE me..

here i gO.....

if being lOud...
makes each One Of u feel annOyed, irritated,
then im sOrry...

if being lOud...
makes u feel ashamed Of me,
then im sOrry...

if being lOud...
makes u angry,
im sOrry...

if being lOud...
makes u wanna bad-mOuthing bOut me,
im sOrry...

if being lOud...
makes u wanna avOid me,
im sOrry...

if being lOud...
makes u dOnt wanna be friends wif me..
then im really sOrry...

but what shOuld i dO..??
that's whO i am frOm the very beginning..
Owhh Of cOurse i will try my best tO change ~at least a bit~ but then what's the pOint if the changes will Only transfOrm me intO sumthin else..nOt ME anymOre...
~dat's scarrrrry~
hOwever it's scarrrrier tO think bOut what dO peOple think bOut me fOr being me...(which is very lOud Of cOurse)...

sO Once again friends....
i'm really really extremely sOrry if my LOUDNESS makes u feel uncOmfOrtable, annOyed Or whatsOever huhh...
i'll try my best tO reduce my "VOLUME" in certain circumference...
eg: fOrmal event etc...

hOwever friends...
dO nOt expect me tO change just because i'm afraid Of lOsing "fake friends"...
thOse are nOt friends..they Only knOw hOw tO critic and knOw nOthing bOut fixing..~even their very Own weakness~
sO,im nOt gOnna waste my time wOrrying bOut thOse peOple...
im cOol...just being ME! XP

p/s:thnx thOse whO always stand by me...! >.<

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