Jan 16, 2010

tOot..tOot..tOot... ~discOnnected~~

i guess tOday wud b the biggest part Of my breakdOwn thrOughOut the whOle experience bein here in 4-seasOned land Of kOrea...as i wOke up in the mOrning...i knew sumthin wasn't rite..i felt like sumthin was hitting my head...hurts badly...dats why i didnt get up directly..i cOntinued watching an english fairy tale mOvie On yOutube which i cOuldnt finshed last nite..didnt feel like mOving frOm my bed...i cOntinued watchin the mOvie until...until..until One phOne call reached me...askin me 2 get dressed n b ready..i tOt.."wat??"...then another phOne call..One after anOther..
im nOt really gOin 2 talk bOut the phOne calls actually..cOz sum1 might as well get hurt..

after i deal wif all the calls..i realized sumthin really was wrOng wif my bOdy..i started 2 feel excessive pain in the head,my eyes started 2 burn as if im staring at the pc mOnitOr withOut blinking,and my thrOat hurts like sumthin stuck tO it..the flOor Of my rOom was burning hOt yet i still felt freezing cOld..wats wrOng wif me? dis might just be the heavy heavy heavy highhhhhh fever~~i tOt...

while having lOng nice warm shOwer,i started 2 tink bOut my ibu..hOw she wud b very wOrry everytime i fall sick..and hOw my abah wud seek every remedy in the wOrld tO cure me.. ~Owhh hOw much i miss u bOth~~

One Once said.. "nOpe..dOnt call ur mOm if u r sick..u wud make her wOrry..really wOrry..n dat is nOt gOod.."
but hOw..? i never hide anythin frOm her..i need her mOre nOw then ever.. T.T
then i asked One Of my best fellOw..wat shud i dO..and he said.."gO ahead..call her.."
and i did..! hOw i felt sO much better after hearing her vOice sayin dat bOth Of them r dOin just fine..n abOut 2 hav lunch with sambal tumis...my favOurite!

One Once said, "u can tell me everything...dO nOt hide,please..im willing 2 listen.."
but wat shud i dO if everytime i tell him sumthing,thOse wOrds dat he dOesnt want tO listen,wud pissed him Off..?wat shud i dO if wat i tOld him will finally turns intO screaming n yelling..? dat aint sOunds gOod isnt it..? sO dats why i rather say "nOpe..nOthin..im fine" everytime he demands me tO say sumthin..

n tOday..yes im nOt fine..yess finally i fall sick..yess maybe..just maybe..i fall sick Of dehydratiOn due tO the excessive excretiOn Of water..frOm where it shOuldnt...

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